Thought: I want more people to notice me.
1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely know that its true; "I want more people to notice me"?
3. How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought?
I feel: lonely, useless, stupid, uncared for, lost, scared, hopeless...
I think of: pyschs not helping, friends ignoring me, people not
caring what I have to say.
addictions: obsessively checking if they "noticed me" on blogs,
can't get off the computer.
act to others: I disregard when they do notice me because they are just
one person. Or I overly notice... (obsessive rereading).
when did you first begin thinking this thought: probably 4th or before...
When I noticed that I couldn't/wouldn't speak in certain circumstances. Felt friendless. :\
4. Who would you be without the thought?
I would act as myself and not act only in dire attempt to get people to notice me.I would be peaceful. I would feel light. appreciative. attentive. more loving.Less self-absorbed--more outwardly thinking. I'd realize people do NOTICE me.
Turn the thought around: I want to notice others.
Examples on how that's true:
1. It's fun to know the details of others lives
2. In order to give them advice
3. In order to show them that I love them
4. In order to learn something myself
Turn it around: I want to notice my "bad" thoughts.
1. In order to catch them before they grow.
2. In order to use inquiry to check their legitimacy
3. In order to share my inquiry with others and help them.
Turn it around: I don't want to be noticed by more people.
1. I want God to be whom people seek. Not me.
2. I'd rather be loved.
3. I don't NEED more anything. Thankful for friends I already have. <3
4. I'd rather people behave as they are. Not notice me when they aren't meant to.