This weekend, I ENCOUNTERed God. I also ENCOUNTERed His healing… Hearing all of these people… with similar(ish) stories… It puts things into perspective. I am glad to know you more. I am glad to know you, in general. You are amazing…
All of the crying… So worth it. I just felt like I was growing in understanding and changing my perspectives a lot.Thoughts on the weekend:
-When you judge someone, you expect them to do it again, or label them with the sin (all the same thing)… when they receive that judgement they can expect the same thing and judge themselves… and judgement just makes a sin NEVER END because all of these self-fulfilling prophesies. I do not want ____to expect that they’ll ____ again! I don’t want to judge myself either! jhkjuhgh… Don’t corner yourself into sin!
-Also I REALLY learned that people honestly HONESTLY do care… Awesome panda fortune I got today!: accept the affections offered to you- they are sincere.
-I CAN talk. I CAN scream outside at the top of my lungs… and I can dance like a crazy girl in front of everyone…
-Bad things can be just what you needed to happen. Last night (Saturday) I had a little panic and just needed to sit next to someone… and then… WOW. I exploded. Then all that happened after that made me explode in a positive direction. (Talking, screaming, dancing for example).
-Ah… inner vows can die! haha. Right after the speech I knocked over my journal on the floor. and I thought immediately “I am going to do that again” haha.
-God is amazing. Few Examples (not an extensive list just two examples)… Us singing Amazing Grace after the baptisms when Janelle had said earlier I wish we would sing Amazing Grace… When Stacy came up to me this morning and said she had a vision last night that I was screaming outside… I WAS SCREAMING OUTSIDE LAST NIGHT!
-Forgive and free yourself…. do it.
-I am not defined by what people do to me.
-thinking back to explosions- That was my icebreaker dance move! sweeet!
-Laugh crying is awesome- I left for a minute to use the restroom… I was thinking of Dane Cook’s “Crying” and how he said it’s funny how we go look in the mirror and are rubbing our faces thinking “This is what I look like when I’m crying!” it made me giggle.
-Things can change. They can.
-I am NOT alone.
-I am loved.
I love you, you’re beautiful, and *hugs*