Saturday, April 30, 2011

7 Facts About me.

Thank you Janey. :) I finally got to doing this:
So this might be hard because I've listed things about me before...
1. I can bend both my thumbs underneath the pointer fingers knuckle. :P
2. I made A's on my speeches! Granted the second one was easier (because after crying during the first one I was offered a one-on-one type), but I feel so glad for doing both! I was so nervous both times, but in a way relaxed too. -you can read about my first speech in the post before this if you haven't.-
3. I don't like cheese. I'm asked every time at the sandwich place... "any cheese?" NO! white stringy/melty is the worst (no cheese isn't applicable to every circumstance... sometimes it's good like Mac and Cheese and sometimes pizza. Dominos-yes. Pizza Hut-NO. I used to be lactose intolerant and slightly still am)
4. I am told by many instructors that I am a good writer. I mean, essay wise. also, I have written a short-story. My communication teacher was impressed with how well organized and researched my speech outline was compared to others'.
5. I'm not great at watercolor... but I like to do it. I can post my watercolor up soon if you want! It was a quick in-class project.
6. My favorite class right now is oddly Communication. :)
7. I was stuck on 7 for a long time... thinking up things I've already written before... or things that aren't that unique like I like sleeping to I'm a procrastinator... when I finally decided to go with: In seventh grade, I "skipped" the last day with friends... really though I had a fever and should've just gone home! :P I was constantly sick during middle school! sheesh. everything from asthma. stomach problems, dizzy, headache... yep. definitely never got the "Perfect Attendance Award"

Okay. I finally did it. :)


  1. Goodness, I hope the chronic symptoms have eased up with time. I look forward to seeing the watercolor!

  2. Number 7 isn't anxiety symptoms... I really just was sick all the time. Once I got so oddly shivering cold and my temperature weirdly read under 98F! Everyone was all normal and I needed a blanket terribly.
    So glad I never have asthma anymore. One time I only ran one lap and had an asthma attack. o_o when I was 7/6 yrs old I had a pretty bad one that lead me thinking that I was going to stop breathing if I didn't have a second nebulizer treatment. and my dad was yelling (or just frustrated) at me saying "no it's bad for your heart to have too much" and I just protested... slowly hard to talk. "Dad...(gasp) I.... (trying to breathe) need..... (more gasping) another... one...I can't... breathe!"
    I visited the nurse so many times!

    I'll post the watercolor soon. :)

  3. So how've you been? Is everything ok?

  4. Yeah... just when I said "soon" I really meant... "I have finals until May 11... so I can't be putting blogs together until then." blah. I'm trying to cut out as many ways to procrastinate as possible. Not succeeding really well but at least I'm not doing everything... :|
    The last thing tying me down to this semester is a History essay.

    Prompt:In 2002, President George W. Bush’s administration disclosed a new national security strategy that contended that the doctrine of preemptive war against potential threats to American interests at home or throughout the globe would guide the United States’ foreign policy. The National Security Strategy proclaimed: “The United States has long maintained the option of preemptive actions to counter a sufficient threat to our national security.”

    Do you agree that the doctrine of preemptive war was consistent with America’s relationship with the world or do you consider it to be a departure from America’s historical approach to foreign policy? Be sure to consider the scope of America’s engagement with the rest of globe from the 1890s to 2002. Use three to five historical events to support your argument as you trace the trajectory of U.S. foreign policy.
    So yeah. That's what's going on with me. I think it's not consistent with history... It just doesn't seem to be. That's not much of an argument so far... but it's just Sat night...

  5. I'm finding it easier to find examples where that is consistent with our track record than against. Ones for it would be the invasion of Cuba and Philippines in a response to a larger European colonialism and mercantilism.(During the spanish war) Also the invasion of Vietnam as a preemptive strike against possible spread in Communism. The military intervention in Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq also could be considered pre-emptive.

    Examples against would be WWI and WWII, and staying away from European wars in the 18-20th centuries.
