I'm thankful for:
Thank you, Tiffany for this book you got me back when I won the drawing for it! I think it's awesome and having it has helped me start my journey and decide to commit to busting SA's butt. I've been exercising. Learning to relax... I've just started but I will go far! If any of you have any other recommendations for me, tell me! :)
I just hung out with my friend Saturday night and all day Sunday. I am so happy we hung out!
I got a Nook Color from my grandparents because of my good grades! :) I'm also glad they came over. This is the best visit ever because my dad didn't get all angry like he usually does when they are over. Thank you grandparents! :)
Okay not the seed kit named Janey that I found on the internet. :P But JaneyfromKorea! Janey you are awesome. Watching someone else take the initiative to start the recovery process has helped me choose to start as well! I'm so glad you have gone so far and I know you'll do even more things you never thought you could do! <3
I just love my Rosetta Stone! It makes me that much more interested in going to Guatemala over Spring Break on a mission trip. I really want to go!!!