Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thankful For...

-Friends! (not the show... the real people that I know.... lol)
-That my random bald spot is because I scratched too much NOT because I'm balding.
-Hunger Games (read the first book on the second)
-sock monkey. He's gorgeous.
-My technology...  :)
-Cinnamon candle!
-headband (to cover up bald spot)
-medication (because I feel good instead of *AHHHHH!*)
- my ear was in pain last week and it isn't anymore.
-pandora (My Adele station specifically.)/ Oldies yah!
-awesome classes.
-my niece is in (and her parents) the same state as meeee!
-I'm so loved.... and I understand it more now!!! :)
-I was about to write awesome classes again...
-going to the park/river friday.
-going to have a lovely weekend.... a healing weekend.
- time after class to sleep... yeah. I <3 naps.
-my mom <3
-my sisters
-my crazy brothers.
-my tub... I need a plug for it!
-I got new slippers recently they are the bomb.
-pinterest... lol.
-un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul (Spanish version of one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.)

-I need to thank God for all these blessings! Thank You, God. It's been a good semester so far. I'm so thankful for all I have. I'm so thankful that You are with me. I am not alone and Your grace is enough!

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