Wednesday, September 21, 2011

SHARING my first lesson plan

Grade level: Kindergarten

The Sharing Song (Excerpt)
By Melissa Verhoff

(To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
It’s always more fun
To share with everyone
Toys, goodies and cookies
Let’s share till the day is done

School is the perfect place
To share with all your pals
Lunch, recess, free time
Share in those places, you shall

Social Skills Objective:
Students will learn what sharing is and learn to share with others.

Music Objective
The student will demonstrate tempo changes by singing a song in a slow tempo and again in a faster tempo. The student will understand the difference between slow and fast tempos.

Sharing, cookies, goodies, and toys posters; each student brings a toy to class; bowls and 3D glasses without lenses (optional).

Anticipatory Set
Show the short video “Sharing” by notebookbabies (source: The boy likes his toy robot so much that he does not want to let others play with it. When he doesn’t share, the robot addresses his worries about sharing and encourages the boy to share. When he finally shares with another boy, the other boy goes and grabs his toy robot to share.
Have students face their chairs to the projector. If you want to add to the experience you could put them in role as movie theatergoers. Give them bowls to pretend to eat popcorn from, and 3D glasses without lenses.  Encourage them to stay quiet (and not to chew too loudly on their pretend popcorn!) so they can listen to the “movie.”
State the Objectives
The teacher will tell the students that they will be learning about sharing and they will learn to share with their classmates. Also, students will experience singing at different speeds.

Teacher Input
The teacher will list the examples of things you could share that are in the piggyback song. The teacher will also explain that sharing is letting others play with your toys or eat some of your snacks and show them a poster with the word “sharing” above a picture of child sharing their toy with another child.  Tell them its okay to have your turn with your toy but to share you give others turns if they ask. Tell them, if they are worried about them breaking their toy, to politely tell others to be gentle with your toy because you like it a lot. Tell them to share goodies and cookies, they don’t have to give them your entire treat, just give a portion of what they have.  Also, it’s important to say “thank you” if someone shares with you. 
Teacher will also explain how songs can be sung fast or slowly. Speed in music is called tempo.

The teacher will sing “The Sharing Song” and show the steady beat by moving his or her arms back and forth in front of him or her. Encourage them to mirror you. He or she will first sing at a slow tempo, and then at a faster tempo. After the first time it is sung, he or she will point to their “sharing,” “toys,” “goodies,” and “cookies” posters at the appropriate times. He or she will teach the song to the students by rote.

Check for Understanding
Sing a song and ask them to describe your tempo. Have them put one finger under their chin for “slow” and two fingers under their chin for “fast.”

Guided Practice
The class will sing “The Sharing Song” together. They will also demonstrate the tempo of the song by how fast their hands move back and forth. Encourage them to sing at faster tempos by saying “faster tempo.”

Independent Performance
Students will be separated into small groups. They will share the toy they brought with their group members one at a time by passing it around. Encourage them to say, “thank you” and “you are welcome.”
Students will sing the song again. Have the students sing the song faster and faster.

Visual Aid(s): Posters
Sharing poster, a goodies poster (with healthy snacks), toys poster, and a cookies poster.
 to view other posters (click): Toys posterGoodies posterCookies poster

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